Main benefits and features: Ideal for the first few weeks – transition from womb to the big wide world Maintains physical contact while giving babies their own personal space The newborn baby will be held in a flexed position similar to the foetal positi


Main benefits and features:

Ideal for the first few weeks – transition from womb to the big wide world
Maintains physical contact while giving babies their own personal space
The newborn baby will be held in a flexed position similar to the foetal positi
Main benefits and features:

Ideal for the first few weeks – transition from womb to the big wide world
Maintains physical contact while giving babies their own personal space
The newborn baby will be held in a flexed position similar to the foetal positi
Main benefits and features:

Ideal for the first few weeks – transition from womb to the big wide world
Maintains physical contact while giving babies their own personal space
The newborn baby will be held in a flexed position similar to the foetal positi

Main benefits and features: Ideal for the first few weeks – transition from womb to the big wide world Maintains physical contact while giving babies their own personal space The newborn baby will be held in a flexed position similar to the foetal positi


Principaux avantages et caractéristiques:

  • Idéal pour les premières semaines - transition in utero / ex utero
  • Maintient le nouveau-né en position fléchie, proche de la position fœtale idéale pour son développement
  • Espace délimité et rassurant rappelant l'univers connu du ventre de maman
  • Diminue les courants d’air et favorise l’autorégulation de la température
  • Espace prévu pour insérer un tissu imprégné de l’odeur rassurante de maman/papa
  • Ceinture de maintien pour sécuriser le bébé
  • Capuche réversible lorsque le bébé dort sans surveillance
  • Convient au bébé jusque 4,5-5kg
  • Tissu labellisé Oeko-tex : associations de jersey velours et jersey coton ouatiné
  • Doudou assorti : disponible en supplément (18€)
  • Frais de livraison Belgique et France continentale: gratuit apd 80€ d'achat